Creating a Variable

To create a variable:

  1. In System View, Custom View, Filter View, or Deployment View, click Variable Designer button.

  2. In the Variable Navigator, expand the application type.

    For example, expand Planning.

  3. Choose the level at which to create the variable.

    • Global—Right-click <Global>, and then select New to create a variable that can be used in any application of the same application type.

    • Application—Right-click an application, and then select New to create a variable that can be used in that application only.

    • Plan or Database—Right-click a plan type or database, and then select New to create a variable that can be used in that plan type or database only.

    • Business Rule—Right-click a business rule, and then select New to create a variable that can be used in that rule only.

  4. Select the type of variable to create:

    • Replacement—When you are designing or launching the business rule, the variable is substituted with a calculation. You can use replacement variables in any component.

      To create a Replacement variable, on the Replacement tab, select Actions, then New, and then enter the following information:

      • Name—Variable name

      • Description—Description of the variable

      • Group—To include this variable in a group, enter the group name. The group name is displayed under the Group column after you save and refresh the variable.

      • Type—Click the drop-down and select a type.

      • RTP—If this is a runtime prompt variable:

        • Select RTP and enter the text in to display each time the variable is used.

        • Enter a Default Value if desired.

        • Select Use Last Entered Value if to display the last value entered for the prompt as the default value the next time the prompt occurs.

    • Execution—When the business rule is launched, the calculation defined for the variable is performed. You can use execution variables in script components or fixed loop

      To create an Execution variable, on the Execution tab, select Actions, then New, and then enter the following information:

  5. Click Save button.