Compacting Aggregate Storage Database Outlines

Compact files to remove the records of deleted members and reduce the outline file size.

For example, as aggregate storage outline (.otl) files are changed when members are added or deleted, the files may increase in size. After the outline file is compacted, the file continues to grow as before.

Compacting the outline file causes the database to restructure the outline. Compacting the outline does not cause the database to clear the data.

When a member is deleted from the outline, the corresponding record of that member in the outline file is marked as deleted, but the record remains in the outline file. Compacting the outline file does not remove the records of deleted members.


You can only compact aggregate storage database outlines. The process of compacting an outline can take place only when no other users or processes are actively using the database

To compact an aggregate storage database outline:

  1. In System View, click Database Properties icon.
  2. In Enterprise View, right-click the plan type that contains the database whose outline you want to compact, and then select Compact Outline.
  3. Click OK to confirm you want to compact the database outline.

    The Compact Outline Action Status dialog displays the progress of the compaction. When the outline is compacted, the Compact Outline Action Status dialog displays a success message.

  4. In the Compact Outline Action Status dialog, click Show Details to see details of the outline compaction or OK to close the dialog.