
@COMPARE returns "true" or "false" when comparing a member to a member, a dimension to a dimension, a password to password, or a string to a restricted list. (For a restricted list, @COMPARE compares using the rule builder value, not the substituted value.)

DTP Type:

@COMPARE can be assigned to a DTP of type of boolean.




Parameter Description
String Design-time prompt or text
compareString Design-time prompt or text
IgnoreCase Optional. If "true," the case of parameters 1 and 2 is ignored. If "false," the case must match for parameters 1 and 2. If IgnoreCase is left empty, it defaults to "true."




  • [DPT1] is a non-promptable DTP of type boolean

  • [MBR1]=Jan

  • [MBR2]=Jan

In this example, [DTP1] returns "true."