
@CONCAT concatenates the second parameter to the end of the first parameter.

DTP Type:

@CONCAT can be assigned to a DTP of type member, dimension, string, restricted list, password, or attribute.


@CONCAT(Text, Concat String, Seperator)


Parameter Description
Text Design-time prompt or text
Concat String Design-time prompt or text

Note: concatString will be added to the end of String

Seperator Optional: If a separator is used, then the separator is added between the Text and Concat String only if Text has a value.




  • [DTP_CTmbr] is a DTP of type member that is not a checked prompt.

  • [MBR1]="California"

  • [MBR2]="Washington"

In this example, [DTP_CTmbr] returns "CaliforniaWashington".