Creating a Member Block Component

You create a member block component from within the Rule or Template designer as you are designing a rule or template. You cannot create a member block component from within the System View.

To create a member block component:

  1. In System View, right-click a rule or a template, and then select Open.
  2. After you determine where in the flow chart you want to create the member block, from New Objects, drag the member block object, and drop it into the flow chart.

    The member block object is displayed as four blocks with a connecting line in the flow chart.

  3. Optional: If you are creating a member block component for a template, you can also create design-time prompts for it. See Creating Design-Time Prompts for Custom Templates.
  4. On the Member Block tab, next to Member Block, click the Actions icon, and do one of the following:
  5. On the Errors and Warnings tab, click the button to run script diagnostics.
  6. In Properties, select Disabled to exclude the member block from validation and calculation. Then enter an optional description and comments.
  7. Click Save button.