
@DIMATTRIBUTE returns the attribute name if the specified attribute is associated with a dimension.

DTP Type:

@DIMATTRIBUTE can be assigned to a DTP of type attribute, member, dimension, or string.




Parameter Description
Dimension Design-time prompt or dimension drop-down that allows you to select dimensions from the application
Attribute Design-time prompt, attribute (dimension or member), or function that returns an attribute dimension name or an attribute member name




  • [DIMA_ATTRB] is a DTP of type attribute that is not a checked prompt.

  • [DIM] is a promptable DTP of type dimension.

  • [ATTRB is a promptable DTP of type attribute.

Assume the following values are input:

  • [DIM]: "Entity"

  • [ATTRB]: "Small"

In this example, since "Entity" has an attribute dimension named "Size", and "Small" is a member under "Size", [DIMA_ATTRB] returns "Small".