Dynamic Calculations in Hybrid Aggregations

The Oracle Essbase Hybrid Calculator evaluates dynamic member formulas differently from the traditional Essbase calculator.

  • The traditional Essbase calculator returns a value for dynamic member formulas for all intersections. Formulas that produce constant values across intersections will only return values when there is a block for that given intersection.

  • The Essbase Hybrid Calculator is optimized to ignore constants to improve retrieval performance. This is because the Hybrid Calculator processes dynamic aggregation retrievals from sparse dimensions that are not achievable with traditional BSO.

For example, in the following formula:

Sample hybrid formula

An intersection with no data is displayed as follows:

Hybrid Intersection with no data

When you add data, the values are displayed as follows:

Hybrid intersecction with data


As long as there is a block, dynamic formulas will evaluate with the Hybrid Calculator.