Execute Aggregation Using Query Tracking

Once you have run a sufficient amount of queries, you can execute the aggregation process using the query tracking information.

To execute the aggregation process using query tracking information:

  1. In Enterprise View, expand Planning, then expand the ASO application, then right-click the ASO cube, and then select Execute Aggregation.
  2. In the Execute Aggregation Action dialog box, select Based on Query Data, and then click OK.
    This operation might take some time to complete.
Calculation Manager checks for the following conditions that can potentially cause the execute aggregation process to fail:
  • If query tracking is not enabled or there is no query tracking data, a warning message is displayed. You will not be able to the use query tracking option, but you can still process the aggregation. To use query tracking information, you must enable the query tracking or perform operations that generate query tracking information.
  • Oracle Essbase does not allow Aggregate views to be created on an ASO cube when multiple database slices exist. A warning message is displayed, and you will not be able to proceed with aggregation until slices are merged.

    In this case, in Enterprise View, right-click the cube node and select Merge Data, then All, and then Remove Cells With Zero Value. Merge clears all the tracked query information. As a result, you must perform operations to generate query tracking information.

  • If aggregations already exist, a warning message is displayed.

    In this case, click OK, and then in the Info dialog box, do one of the following:

    • Click OK to drop existing aggregations and rerun the aggregation process.
    • Click Cancel, then clear the existing aggregations, and then perform operations to generate query tracking information.

    To clear aggregations:

    1. Right-click an ASO cube, then select Clear, and then All Aggregations.
    2. In the Confirm Database Aggregates Clear dialog box, click OK.