Merge Incremental Data Slices and Remove Zero Value Cells

Some Oracle Essbase operations like logical clear and load data may create incremental data slices with zero value cells. Essbase does not allow aggregation with incremental data slices. As a result, you may need to perform a merge operation to merge incremental data slices.

To perform a merge operation and remove zero value cells:

  1. In System View, clickDatabase Properties button, and then select an Aggregate Storage database to load its properties.
  2. In Enterprise View, right-click the cube, then select Merge Data, then All, and then Remove Cells With Zero Value.
  3. Click OK to confirm the merge data action.
    This merges all incremental slices into the main database slice and removes cells that have a value of zero. (Logically clearing data from a region, results in a cell with a value of zero). As a result, the database size is significantly reduced.
    If a merge is not needed, a message is displayed stating that "There is no incremental data or it is already merged. The specified merge is not necessary." (Click Show Details in the Merge Action Status dialog box to see the full message.)