
@PLANDIM returns the dimension name if it exists in the database of an application.

DTP Type:

@PLANDIM can be assigned to a DTP of type member or dimension. @PLANDIM works if only one value is used for the second parameter


@PLANDMIN(Database Name,Dimension)


Parameter Description
Database Name Design-time prompt or text
Dimension Design-time prompt, dimension, or text




  • [PDIM_mbr] is a DTP of type member that is not a checked prompt.

  • [PlTy] is a DTP of type string that is a checked prompt.

  • [Dim] is a DTP of type dimension that is a checked prompt.

Assume that the following values are input:

  • [PlTy]: "Plan1"

  • Dim: "Product"

In this example, [PDIM_mbr] returns "Product," because Product is a valid dimension in "Plan1".