Statistics for Aggregate Storage Applications

  • General—General statistical information, including:

    • Database start time—Start time according to the time zone of the database server

    • Database elapsed time—Elapsed time in hours:minutes:seconds

    • Number of connections—Number of connected users

  • Aggregate Storage Statistics—Storage statics for aggregate databases, including:

    • For each dimension in the application, the number of levels and the bits used to store the levels. (n aggregate storage databases, not all dimension levels are stored.)

    • Maximum key length (bits)—Sum of all of the bits used by all of the dimensions. For example, the key for all dimensions contains 20 bits, and the first four bits are used by the Year dimension.

    • Maximum key length (bytes)—Number of bytes that the key uses per cell

    • Number of input-level cells—Number of cells for level 0 intersections across dimensions, without formulas, into which users can enter data, assuming these are all level zero cells

    • Number of incremental data slices—Number of data intersections that can be calculated incrementally (only when necessary) as opposed to immediately

    • Number of incremental input cells—Number of input cells that can be calculated incrementally (only when necessary) as opposed to immediately

    • Number of aggregate views—Number of views that contain aggregate cells

    • Number of aggregate cells—Number of cells that must be calculated when they are requested or retrieved, because they are rolled up from lower level values. Aggregate cell values are calculated for each request, or they can be precalculated and stored on disk.

    • Number of incremental aggregate cells—Number of aggregate cells that can be updated only when necessary

    • Cost of querying incremental data (ratio to total cost)—Average time for retrieving values from the associated aggregate view

    • Input-level data size (KB)—Size, in kilobytes, of the data from all level zero cells

    • Aggregate data size (KB)—Size, in kilobytes, of the aggregated data from all aggregated cells

  • Run Time—Run time statics, including:

    • Cache hit ratio—Success rate in locating information in the cache versus having to retrieve it from disk

    • Current cache size—Dynamically generated cache size

    • Current cache size limit (KB)—Limit, in kilobytes, of the cache size

    • Page reads since last startup—Number of index pages that were read since the application was started (either automatically or by the user)

    • Page writes since last startup—Number of index pages that were updated since the application was started (either automatically or by the user)

    • Page size (KB)—Size of the page, in kilobytes

    • Disk space allocated for data (KB)—Total amount of hard disk space, in kilobytes, allocated for data storage

    • Disk space used by data (KB)—Total amount of disk space, in kilobytes, used for data storage

    • Temporary disk space allocated (KB)—Total amount of temporary disk space allocated for data storage

    • Temporary disk space used (KB)—Total amount of temporary disk space used for data storage


      Disk space is the space used in the Default tablespace, and Temporary disk space is the space used in the Temp tablespace. In both cases, some space within some files may not be used.