Transactions Properties


Transaction properties apply to block storage databases only.

The Transactions tab displays information about the access to the database.

  • Committed access enables transactions to hold read/write locks on all data blocks involved with a transaction until the transaction completes and commits. The following concurrency options may also be pre-configured:

    • Wait (seconds)—Number of seconds that a transaction waits for access to locked data blocks. The default is twenty seconds, but another value, Indefinitely or No wait may also be pre-configured.

    • Pre-image access—Users have read-only access to data blocks that are locked for the duration of another concurrent transaction.

  • Uncommitted access enables transactions to hold read/write locks on a block-by-block basis (the default setting). The synchronization point may also be pre-configured in the following areas:

    • Commit blocks—Number of data blocks updated before Oracle Essbase performs a commit

    • Commit rows—Number of rows of a data file processed during a data load before Essbase performs a commit