Viewing and Editing Database Properties

You can view and edit the database properties for Planning block storage and aggregate storage applications.

To view or edit database properties:

  1. In System View, click Database Properties button (Database Properties).
  2. In Enterprise View, expand a Planning application and a block storage or an aggregate storage application, and then select a database.


    The ASO application names are not the same as the ASO plan types in Planning. Expand the ASO application to see the ASO cube name. To match the ASO cubes, check the cube name in Planning.

    For example, the Vision application has two ASO cubes, and they are shown in DB properties as "AVision" with cube "VisASO " and "BVision" with cube "Vis1ASO". The cube names match with ASO plan types in Planning.

  3. View or edit the information on the database properties tabs, and then click Save button.


When you change database properties, you must stop and restart the application. See Starting and Stopping Applications