Step 2: Migrate Artifacts from the On-Premises Deployment to EPM Cloud

Migration of on-premises application artifacts to Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud differ based on the application you are migrating.

Use the appropriate application-specific topic to export artifacts from the on-premises environment and to complete the migration process:


Windows does not permit folder and file names terminating in a period (.). If artifact names in your on-premises environment end in a period (for example, a Financial Reporting folder named example_Ltd.), the export archive you create by exporting artifacts to a Windows computer may cause errors and warnings during import into EPM Cloud. This is because Windows operating system automatically strips the terminating period from the artifact name there by causing a name mismatch between the artifact names in the XML descriptor file and the contents of the archive.

Workaround: Using a software such as 7-Zip, edit the artifact name in the archive to include the terminating period.