Steps to Clone an Environment

While cloning an environment, these are your cloning options depending on the predefined role of the user account specified for the target environment:

Table 3-1 Clone Options for Predefined Role in Target Environment

Predefined Role Available Clone Options
Service Administrator Clone the application artifacts. Optionally clone Data Management records, audit data, Job Console records, contents of the inbox and outbox, and stored snapshots. Cannot clone users and predefined role assignments.
Service Administrator and Identity Domain Administrator Clone the application artifacts. Optionally clone users and their predefined role assignments, Data Management records, audit data, Job Console records, contents of the inbox and outbox, and stored snapshots.


  • Ensure the user is not set up with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). Clone Environment takes only basic authorization credentials for the target environment.

  • Single Sign-On (SSO) - If you had setup SSO to authenticate the users, you must reconfigure SSO to ensure that your users can log in to OCI environments using SSO. See Configuring Single Sign-On in Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators

  • IP Allowlist Configuration - If you had setup IP allowlists for your Oracle Cloud Classic environments using the Service Details screen of My Services, then you must reconfigure them for your OCI environments using setIPAllowlist EPM Automate command. This ensures that the connections from only the listed IP addresses are allowed on your OCI environments. See Setting up Secure Access in Getting Started with Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud for Administrators.

Compatibility between Source and Target Environments

Except for the exceptions listed below, Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud supports cloning between a source environment and a target environment as long as their monthly updates are within one month of each other. For example, if the source environment is on the 24.08 update, the target environment can be on 24.07, 24.08, or 24.09.


  • Strategic Modeling: Cloning is only possible if both environments are on the exact same monthly update. For example, if the source environment is on the 24.08 update, the target environment must also be on 24.08.
  • Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud: Cloning is allowed between environments where the target environment is either on the same monthly update or the next monthly update relative to the source environment. For example, if the source environment is on the 24.08 update, the target environment can be on either 24.08 or 24.09, but not on 24.07.

Configuration Steps

To clone an environment:

  1. Sign in to the environment that you want to clone. You can sign in as a Service Administrator, or as a Service Administrator who also is an Identity Domain Administrator.

    For Oracle Cloud Classic to OCI cloning, you must sign in as a Service Administrator, who also is an Identity Domain Administrator to ensure that users and their roles are cloned to the OCI environment.

  2. Complete the following steps:
    • Click Tools, and then Clone Environment.
    • Profitability and Cost Management only: Click Application, and then Clone Environment.

      Clone Environment screen

  3. In Target URL, enter the URL of the environment that will become the cloned environment; for example,
  4. In Username, enter the user name of a Service Administrator who may also have the Identity Domain Administrator predefined role.

    For Oracle Cloud Classic to OCI cloning, you must enter the user name of a user who has Service Administrator and Identity Domain Administrator predefined roles in the target environment. This user must be able to log into the target environment using identity domain credentials.

  5. In Password, enter the identity domain password of the user specified in Username.
  6. Optional: Select the Users and Predefined Roles check box to clone users and their predefined role assignments.


    • Do not change the login names of users (for example, from short name jdoe to email ID in the target environment. Doing so will invalidate existing access control settings. Select this option to ensure that the login names of users are identical in the source and target environments.
    • Import of users and their predefined roles will fail if a user who is not an Identity Domain Administrator clones an environment after selecting this check box. The following error is recorded in the Migration Status Report: Failed to import External Directory Artifact <artifact_name>. User <user_name> is not authorized to perform this operation. The user needs to have Identity Domain Administrator role to perform this operation.

    Key considerations:

    • If you are not importing users and a user in the source snapshot does not have a predefined role on the target environment, the following error is displayed:

      EPMIE-00070: Failed to find user during assigned roles import.
    • Users with only the Identity Domain Administrator role assignment are not cloned to the target environment. Users assigned to a combination of Identity Domain Administrator role and predefined roles in the source environment are cloned, but assigned only to the respective predefined roles in the target environment. These users will not have the Identity Domain Administrator role in the target environment.
    • If the source environment is an OCI (Gen 2) environment where the users are assigned predefined roles using IDCS groups instead of direct assignment, the IDCS groups will not be cloned but the cloned users will have these predefined roles directly assigned to them in the target environment.
    • Changes to the predefined roles of the user will be updated based on the roles assigned in the source snapshot. However, role assignments in the target will not be removed to match those in the source snapshot. For example, assume that jdoe is assigned to the Power User predefined role in the target environment, but has only the User role in the source snapshot. In this situation, this command assigns jdoe to the User role and does not remove the Power User role assignment in the target environment.
    • This option does not delete existing users from the target environment if they don't exist in the source snapshot. For example, jdoe has an account in the target environment, but this account is not present in the source snapshot. In this situation, the account of jdoe in the target environment is not deleted.
    • This option adds users that do not exist in the target environment; it does not update current user properties in the target environment even if those are different in the source snapshot. For example, if the last name of jdoe in the source snapshot is spelled differently in the target environment, the change will not be made in the target environment.
    • This command does not change existing users' passwords in the target environment even if it is different in the source snapshot.
    • A random password is assigned to new users in the target environment. New users will receive account activation emails prompting them to change passwords.

  7. Optional: for environments other than Oracle Enterprise Data Management Cloud and Narrative Reporting only: Deselect the Data Management check box if you do not want to clone Data Management records. Cloning of Data Management records may take a long time if the staging tables contain a very large number of records.

    Clone Data Management records only if both the source and target environments are on the same monthly update, or the target environment is one update newer than the source environment. For example, you can clone 22.01 Data Management records to another 22.01 environment or to a 22.02 environment only.

  8. Optional: for Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, Financial Consolidation and Close, Tax Reporting, and Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management only: Deselect the Job Console check box if you do not want to clone Job Console records.
  9. Optional: for Planning, Planning Modules, FreeForm, and Enterprise Profitability and Cost Management only: Deselect the Application Audit check box if you do not want to clone Application Audit records.


    Application Audit data of Financial Consolidation and Close, and Tax Reporting is, by default, included in the snapshot.
  10. Optional: Select the Stored Snapshots and Files check box if you want to clone the contents of inbox and outbox, and stored snapshots. This process may take a long time depending on the number and size of stored snapshots and files in inbox and outbox.


    Clone Environment only clones the files stored directly in inbox and outbox. The files in sub-folders within inbox and outbox are not cloned. For example, if you have files file1.csv and myfiles/file2.csv in inbox, only file1.csv will be cloned.
  11. Optional: Deselect the DailyMaintenanceStartTime check box to keep the current maintenance start time of the target environment. Otherwise, the maintenance start time will be reset to that of the source environment from which the snapshot was cloned.
  12. Click Clone to initiate the process.