Data Loads and Write-Back

Data loads and write-back are supported for those users who do not have a direct connection to their Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source data but have data available from their source in a text file.

Any file, whether it is a fixed width file or a delimited file, can be easily imported into an Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud application. For example, you can take a trial balance report generated from their source system and map it into Data Management by way of the import format feature. You can instruct the system where the account, entity, data values and so on reside in the file, as well as which rows to skip during the data import. This feature allows a business user to easily import data from any source by way of a file format, and requires limited technical help, if any, when loading into an EPM Cloud application.

You can also define data load rules which determine how you want to extract or write back budget data from Planning to the file system.