Data Management Source Data

The following format, which begins and ends the rule with the tilde character (~), retrieves values from data that was mapped to a target member, and then loaded into Data Management.

Unless otherwise specified, parameters are optional. Parameters designated UD# are user-defined.

~FDMEE Category, FDMEE Period, Year (Field Not Applicable), FDMEE View, FDMEE Location, Source Entity(Required), Source Account(Required), Source ICP, Source UD1,Source UD2, Source UD3, Source UD4, Source UD5, Source UD6, Source UD7,Source UD8, Source UD9, Source UD10, Source UD11, Source UD12, Source UD13,Source UD14, Source UD15, Source UD16, Source UD17, Source UD18, Source UD19, Source UD20~