Exporting to Target

Use the Export to Target feature to export data to a target application, which is the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application. Select this option after you have reviewed the data in the data grid and need to export it to the target application.

When exporting data for Planning, the following options are available:

  • Store Data—Inserts the value from the source or file into the target application, replacing any value that currently exists.

  • Replace Data—Clears data for the Year, Period, Scenario, Version, and Entity dimensions that you are loading, and then loads the data from the source or file. Note when you have a year of data in your Planning application but are only loading a single month, this option clears the entire year before performing the load.

  • Add Data—Adds the value from the source or file to the value in the target application. For example, when you have 100 in the source, and 200 in the target, then the result is 300.

  • Subtract Data—Subtracts the value in the source or file from the value in the target application. For example, when you have 300 in the target, and 100 in the source, then the result is 200.

To submit the data load rule:

  1. From the table action bar, in Data Rule, and choose the data load rule.
  2. Click Image shows Execute icon.
  3. In Execution Mode, select the mode of exporting to the target.

    Execution modes:

    • online—ODI processes the data in sync mode (immediate processing).

    • offline—ODI processes the data in async mode (runs in background).

      Click Image shows Process Detail button to navigate to the Process Detail page to monitor the ODI job progress.

  4. In Export, select the export method.

    Export options:

    • Current Dimension

    • All Dimensions

    • Export to Excel

  5. For Current Dimension and All Dimensions export methods, in Select file location, navigate to the file to export, and then click OK.

    For the Export to Excel method, mappings are exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.

  6. Click OK.

    After you exported data to the target, the status of the export is shown in the Status field for the data load rule in the Data Load Summary.