Logic Group Fields

Logic accounts consist of the following fields:

  • Item

  • Description

  • Criteria Type

  • Criteria Value

  • Operator

  • Value/Expression

  • Seq

  • Export


Specify the name of the logic account using the item field. The logic account that is named in the item field is displayed in the Workbench grid as the source account. This same account can be used as a source in a mapping rule. Oracle recommends that you prefix the names of logic accounts with an "L" or some other character to indicate that an account came from a source file, or was generated from a logic rule. Logic accounts can only be loaded to a target application when they are mapped to a target account.


The description that you enter in the Description field is displayed in the Account Description field in the Workbench.

Criteria Type and Criteria Value

The operator in the Criteria Type field works with the source account that is specified in the Criteria Value field to determine from which source accounts the logic account is derived. One logic account can be derived from multiple source accounts.

Valid values for the Type field:

  • Between

  • Like

  • In

Specifying Source Accounts

Between (Criteria Type)—Used when a range of source accounts is specified in the Criteria Value field. Separate the accounts that specify the range by a comma.

Table 4-19 Between Type field and example of the corresponding Criteria Value Field values.

Type Field Criteria Value Field



Like (Criteria Type)—Used when the source accounts in the Criteria Value field contain wildcard characters. Use question marks (?) as placeholders and asterisks (*) to signify indeterminate numbers of characters.

Table 4-20 Like Type and Examples

Type Field Criteria Value Field





In (Criteria Type)—Used to include one source account or a list of non-sequential source accounts.

Table 4-21 In Type and Examples

Type Field Criteria Value Field



