Role Level Security

Data Management security enables service administrators and power users to customize user access to user interface functions using the concept of roles. Roles are permissions that grant user access to functions. In Data Management, default roles are assigned to functions that aggregate and tailor specific requirements. After the functions are assigned to a role, the corresponding role is mapped to users when provisioning users in Application Management. The process of granting roles to users is described in the Oracle® Enterprise Performance Management System User and Role Security Guide.

To add role level security:

  1. On the Setup tab, under Configure, select Security Settings.
  2. In Security Setting, select the User Interface tab.
  3. In Role, select the role category to which to assign access.

    The role category determines the display of functions associated with the selected role. A list of roles is described below.

    Screen shows Role Security options.
  4. Select either the Report tab or Batch tab.
  5. In Select, select the function to assign to the role.

    For information on assigning role security to report groups, see Defining Report Security.

    For information on assigning role security to batch groups, see Defining Batch Security.

  6. Click Save.

Table 2-7 Role and Descriptions

Role Description
Create Integration Creates Data Management metadata and data load rules.
Run Integration Runs Data Management data rules and fills out runtime parameters. Can view transaction logs.