Export Flow for the All Snapshot Type

The following steps describes the export process flow for the "All" snapshot type:

  1. Purges the /data/snapshots/setup folder.

  2. Exports all setup artifacts to a separate setup folder.

    A separate CSV is created for each artifact.

  3. Purges the /data/snapshots/data folder.

  4. Exports historical artifacts by POV.

    Each POV is exported to a separate file.

  5. Deletes orphan POVs.

    Orphan POVs result from deleted period mappings, category mappings, locations, or data load rules.

  6. Stores snapshot metadata information in a SnapshotParams.json file in the data folder.

    The SnapshotParams.json file includes the last exported process id.

  7. Archives the setup and data folders into a ZIP file in the outbox/<filename>.zip folder.


If the snapshot type is Setup, then only the setup folder is exported and included in the ZIP file.