Checklist for Compensation Calculation

Use this checklist before calculating compensation to verify the minimum necessary prerequisites for successful compensation calculation.

Table 6-8 Checklist for Compensation Calculations

Account Checlist
Basic salary calculation
  1. Check mandatory data load properties for Employee and Job model:

    • OWP_FTE
    • OWP_Start Date
    • OWP_Applicable Union Code
    • OWP_Employee Type
  2. Check mandatory data load properties for Employee model:

    • OWP_FTE
    • OWP_Start Date
    • OWP_Employee Type
    • OWP_Pay Type
  3. Check mandatory data load properties for Job model:

    • OWP_Regular Headcount
    • OWP_Contractor Headcount
    • OWP_Temporary Headcount
    • OWP_Pay Type
    • OWP_Skill Set
  4. If salary grades are loaded, make sure salary basis and rates are available for grades.

Common check If you change the planning and forecasting scenario range, ensure that the corresponding rates for salary, earnings, benefits, and taxes are available for the new range.
Merit calculation
  1. Ensure that Merit Rates are available in the Merit Rates form, and employees are assigned a Merit Month.
  2. If Merit Assumptions is enabled, ensure that Cut-off Date and Merit Month is available at the year level in the Merit Assumptions form.
    • If Merit Assumptions are set at the Global level, ensure that Merit Month, Merit Rates and Cut-off Date are available at the global entity level.
    • If Merit Assumptions are set at Entity level, ensure that Merit Month, Merit Rates, and Cut-off Date are available at the entity level.
Earnings, benefits, and taxes calculation
  1. Ensure that Earnings, Benefits, and Taxes are configured and the rates have been entered in the Benefits and Taxes wizard.
  2. Ensure that Entity defaults are set for earnings, benefits, and taxes.
  3. For the Custom Component Type, review the custom formula for member OWP_Custom Expense to make sure there is no assignment to the OWP_Expense Amount member.
  4. If you enabled Split-Funded FTE, ensure that data is loaded for OEP_Home Entity.
Transfer-related checks Source and Target RTPs should not be same. At least one of the target dimensions should be different.