About the Explore Repository

Use the Explore Repository to list and navigate repository contents, manage and control files and folders, and use elements that present the repository as a file management system.

To access the Explore Repository, from the Welcome page, click Navigator icon, and then select Explore Repository.

Items opened in the Explore Repository display as tabs at the top of the Explore Repository. Access privileges or permissions determine which items you can view, modify, run, and delete in the repository.

Based on the following criteria, menus and the toolbar are updated as you use the system:

  • The roles granted you by the administrator. Roles determine which modules are displayed in the View pane and toolbar.

  • The components used and the task performed.

From the Explore Repository, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Preview Financial Reporting documents, such as reports and books
  • Organize, search for, and assign access permissions to files

  • Schedule batches

  • Create documents

  • Set preferences

  • Define favorites

  • Install the following components:

    • Oracle Smart View for Office

    • Predictive Planning

    • EPM Automate


When entering names for items in the repository such as files and folders, you can use uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Spaces cannot be used at the beginning or end of folder names. Invalid characters include: \,/,%,?,+,<,>,|,`,*,".


Because importing Financial Reporting objects with invalid characters in their names or path is allowed, you must rename the objects after they are imported into the Explore Repository. Scheduled batches containing object names with invalid characters fail when PDF and HTML are selected as output options.