Overview of Accessing Financial Reporting From a Mobile Device

You can view, launch, and interact with Financial Reporting reports from mobile devices.

To access Financial Reporting from a mobile device:

  1. Open a new browser page.
  2. Enter the following URL:


    where pod# is the specific number for your companies assigned pod.

  3. Enter a user name and password when prompted.
  4. Press OK to access the Financial Reporting repository.

After you access the repository, you can:

When using Financial Reporting on a mobile device, be aware of the following differences between using Financial Reporting on a mobile device and using it on other platforms:

  • A menu of report interactions is available at the top of reports that offers the following interactions:

    • HTML Preview

    • Refresh

    • PDF Preview

    • Preview User Point of View

  • A PDF preview of a report only displays the page area that is currently visible within the mobile device screen. To scroll to another page or down within the same page, tap the Launch Out link at the top left of the screen. The report is then displayed in a separate browser tab that enables full interaction with all pages of the PDF report.

  • To launch a report or book in PDF Preview on a mobile device, tap the PDF icon next to the report or book name in the repository list.

  • Preview user POV and prompts are displayed on separate browser tabs.

  • For devices such as iPad and Android tablets, the folder and object list are displayed in one pane when a report or book is open, and the open report or book is displayed in another. However, for devices such as iPhones and Android phones, when a report or book is opened, the report or book contents replace the folder and object list on the screen. Use the phone navigation buttons to move between the open report or book and the repository list.

  • When accessing Financial Reporting from a mobile device, users create reports, books, or batches; schedule batches; or edit Explore Repository user preferences.

  • Exporting a report to Microsoft Office is not supported on mobile devices.

  • Annotations are not supported on mobile devices.