Viewing Reports

If reports contain dimensions on the user POV, the dimensions are displayed above the report or book. Setting dimensions on the user POV enables modification of the dimensions, which results in a modified POV and requires regeneration of the report or book.


In the repository, you can display the current user POV settings page before reports or books are run. Current user POV settings can be edited after reports or books are run.

Reports viewed in PDF are generated using the user POV and output in PDF. Reports with multiple page members are generated for all page members and displayed.

To view a report:

  1. From the Explore Repository, select File, then Open, then Document, and then select a report.
  2. Optional: If the Preview User POV Settings dialog box is displayed, change the settings, and then click OK.

    If the page is displayed, User Point of View is selected in Preferences for Financial Reporting.

  3. On the POV bar located on top of the report, select a dimension to invoke member selection. Select another member, and then click OK.

    The report content changes to reflect the POV change.

  4. Select View, and then Preview User Point of View.
  5. In Preview User Point of View, click Select to change dimension selections.
  6. In Member Selection, select another member, and then click OK.

    The report is refreshed.