About Auto Calculations

You can append auto calculations to the data rows and columns in a grid. For example, you could calculate the total rows or columns that expand and contain multiple dimensions.

When you define an auto calculation for a data row or column, a row or column that contains the calculated value is inserted at runtime. The calculation applies to all members in a row or column and is displayed when you print or preview the report.

You can apply several formatting options. For each auto calculation, you can specify a heading for the calculated row or column and a group heading. You can specify the location of the calculation row or column in relation to the member, and you can insert blank rows before and after calculation rows and group headings. You can also specify page breaks within rows of calculation and after a calculation row.

You can apply several of the formatting options provided with auto calculation but exclude the auto calculation function for a specified cell, row, or column.

You can define different types of calculation for each dimension or member in the row or column using one of the following functions:

  • Average—Average value of values in the segment in the dimension at runtime (ignores non-number values)

  • Average All—Average value of values in the segment in the dimension at runtime (assigns 0 to non-number values)

  • Count—Number of values in the segment in the dimension at runtime (ignores non-number values)

  • Count All—Number of values in the segment in the dimension at runtime (assigns 0 to non-number values)

  • Maximum—Largest value of the values in the segment in the dimension at runtime

  • Minimum—Smallest value of the values in the segment in the dimension at runtime

  • Product—Multiplies all numbers or references in the segment in the dimension and returns the product at runtime

  • Total—Sum of the values in the segment in the dimension at runtime

  • No Calculation—A calculation is not performed on the selected cell, row, or column; however, the formatting provided with auto calculation is retained. You can apply No Calculation to an auto calculation row, column, or cell or non-calculation row, column, or cell.