
Annotation returns the requested information about an annotation within a grid object. You can define what information to return.


<<Annotation("GridName", Row, Col, Page, Attributes, Reference, Attachments)>>

<<Annotation("GridName", Row, Col, Page)>>

<<Annotation("GridName", Row, Col, Page, Attributes, Reference)>>

<<Annotation("GridName", Row, Col, Page, Attributes, Attachments)>>

<Annotation("GridName", AllRows, AllCols, Page, Attributes, Attachments)>>


  • GridName is the name of the grid containing the annotations. The "current" keyword is supported when Attribute is used in a grid's text cell or custom heading.

  • Row is the row number on the grid. The "current" keyword is supported in when Attribute is used in a grid's text cell or custom heading.


    To select all rows, row can be replaced with the keyword AllRows.

  • Col is the column reference (letter) on the grid. The "current" keyword is supported when Attribute is used in a grid's text cell or custom heading.


    To select all Columns, Col can be replaced with the keyword AllCols.

  • Page is a numeric value representing the index of member combinations on all page dimensions of the grid. The first page dimension combination in a grid has an index of 1, the second page dimension combination has an index of 2, and so on.

  • Attributes identify the information to be returned from the annotation. They may include the keyword All (default value) or a combination of one or more of the following keywords: Title & Description & Author & Date & Category. Attribute keywords can be arranged in any order of output. Each attribute must be separated with an ampersand (&).

  • Reference is a keyword noting which annotations will be returned, where:.

    • All (default) returns the initial annotation and all replies.

    • Top <n> returns the initial annotation and first <n> replies.

    • Bottom <n> returns the initial annotation and the last <n> replies. The initial annotation is always shown and the number <n> does not include the initial annotation.

    • BottomOnly <n> returns the last <n> replies. The initial annotation shown for 4 or less <n> replies; the initial annotation with 5 or more <n> replies is not shown.

    • First returns the initial annotation only.

    • Replies returns all replies. The initial annotation is not shown.

  • Attachments is a boolean (true/false) value indicating whether attachments associated with the annotation should print with the report where:

    • True means that attachments will print at the end of the report.

    • False means that no attachments will print.


<<Annotation("Grid1", cur, A, cur, All, All, true)>>

<<Annotation("Grid1", cur, A, cur, Title & Description & Author & Date & Category, Top 10, true)>>

<<Annotation("Grid10", 284, AB, cur, Title & Description & Date & Category, Bottom 10, false)>>

<<Annotation("Grid1", cur, A, cur, Title & Description & Author, BottomOnly 4, false)>>

<<Annotation("Grid Name", 1, A, 1, All)>>

<<Annotation("Grid Name","AllRows", "AllCols", 1, All)>>

<<Annotation("Grid Name", 1, A, 1, All, First)>>

<<Annotation("Grid Name", 1, cur, cur, All, Replies)>>

<<Annotation("Grid Name", 1, cur, cur)>>

<<Annotation("Grid Name",1, cur, cur, Desc, Replies)>>

<<Annotation(cur, cur, A, cur, Desc)>>

<<Annotation(cur, 3, ABC, cur, title & Desc, true)>>

<<Annotation("folder1\folder2\Grid2", 3,A,cur, Title & Description, true)>>

<<Annotation(current, 294, AB, cur, Title & Description, Top 19)>>

<<Annotation(current, 39, AB, cur, Title & Description & Author, Bottom 40)>>

Behavior of Annotations in Text Boxes

The behavior of annotations in grid text rows and text boxes when using the "cur" keyword is different.

  • For text rows, you can use the "cur" keyword.

    For example, <<Annotation("Grid1", 1, A, cur, All, All, true)>>

  • For text boxes, the "cur" keyword does not return anything. As a result, you would enter <<Annotation("Grid1", 1, A, 1, All, All, true)>>