Defining Chart Axis Labels

You can define and format labels for the primary and secondary axis in a chart. For a combo chart, you can specify and format a secondary axis label. You can also display and format metadata labels.


A primary or secondary axis label enables you to specify a custom range of values on the axis.


A chart axis plotted in Bar, Line, and Combo formats will auto-scale if the primary or secondary axis Min, Max, and Step fields are empty. By default, when the minimum value of the chart data set is within 5/6th of the maximum value, the chart auto-scales to draw attention to the differences in values. To override auto-scaling, enter values in the Min, Max, and Step fields.

To define axis labels:

  1. Open a report and select a chart.
  2. In Chart Properties, click Format Chart button.
  3. In the Axes tab, define the following options:
    • Metadata Title—Enter a title for the axis label.

    • Show Metadata Labels—Select to show metadata labels with a standard display.

      Financial Reporting implements staggered labels as a default to ensure the even distribution of data on report axes.

    • Primary Axis Title—Enter a title for the primary axis in the chart.

    • Primary Axis Label—Select to use a range of values on the primary axis.

      You can define a Custom Range to change the starting and ending numbers of your axis and the numeric intervals. For example, you can display values 40 through 60 at three step intervals by entering 40, 60, and 3 as the values for Min, Max, and Step.

    • Secondary Axis Title—Enter a title for the secondary axis in the chart, if there is one.

    • Secondary Axis Label—Select to use a range of value on the secondary axis.

      To define Custom Range on the secondary axis of a bar or line chart, enter values for Min, Max, and Step.

    • Default Format—Select to use a standard number format for the Y-axis and secondary Y-axis when using a combo chart.

      The default format uses a comma thousands separator with no decimal places, scaling, or number prefixes or suffixes. To customize the number formatting, deselect Default Format, then click Number Format button., and then customize the number format in the Format Numbers dialog box.

    • Custom Range—Enter values for Min, Max, and Step to define the starting and ending numbers and the numeric intervals of the axis.

  4. For any of the options in the Axes tab, click Borders button to format the border and background, and click Fonts button to format the font.
  5. Click OK.