Defining Formula Rows and Columns

A formula consists of a combination of grid references, mathematical functions, and arithmetic operators. A grid reference uses values from the current grid or another grid in a calculation. You can define arithmetic formulas on formula rows, columns, cells, or a range of formula cells in a grid. For example, you can build a formula that adds one or more rows. Or, you can multiply two rows, add a third row, then display the result. For a explanation of the mathematical functions you can use in formulas, see Mathematical Functions.

When defining formula rows or columns, keep in mind the following points:

  • Formula results are calculated based on the underlying data values in one or more specified cells. If the cells used in a formula are formatted to use scaling, the formula results may differ from the displayed values for the cells, since the underlying, unformatted data values are used in the formula.

  • By default, cells that contain missing data (#MISSING) are not treated as zero (0) in formulas, unless specified differently using the "IfNonNumber" property. In a formula that uses division, an error is returned.

  • Use do notation to specify mathematical properties. Dot notation is a syntax that specifies properties for a grid or another property. Specify the property using a period ( . ) followed by the property name.