
GridDimension is a text function that returns the name of a dimension on a grid's page, column, or row axis.


<<GridDimension("GridName", "Axis", index)>>

Argument Description

Name of a grid in the report enclosed in quotation marks. The Current keyword can also be used.


Grid axis where the dimension is placed: page, row, or column. Keywords must be used. The Current keyword can also be used.


Numeric value representing the offset or index of the dimension on the named axis. The first dimension on an axis has an index of one, the second dimension has an index of two, and so on.

You can use the Current keyword on a heading cell only (page, row, or column).


A shared grid, named mygrid, has several dimensions on each row, column, and page axes, and displays the name of the first dimension on the row axis in a text box. Because the dimension may change in the future, you use the GridDimension function in the text box. Type the following in the text box:

This report is based on the <<GridDimension("mygrid","Row",1)>> dimension.