Inheritance In Row and Column Templates

When inheritance is used with linked row and column templates, certain formatting options are dynamic and vary from report to report. When a linked row or column template is used in a grid, the format inheritance is automatically reset to the first available non-template row above the row template or to the left of the column template

To keep the format of a row/column template consistent, or if you are experiencing formatting inconsistencies with inheritance and row or column templates, you can do one of the following:

  • Insert a hidden text row or column containing the formatting to show in the row or column template and set the Inherit from on the Property sheet to reference the hidden row or column.

  • Do not use inheritance, but rather set the row or column template with formats through the Format dialog box.


Cell format inheritance must be set before creating the row and column template. When inheriting formatting in a row and column template, you must use the Inherit Formatting from option on the Row and Column Template property sheet, which indicates the options that are available for inheritance. For example, suppression, formatting, and row height or column width.