Legend Tab

The following are the differences in the Legend tab in the Format Chart dialog box:

  • The updated charting engine supports four "Place Legend" options: Top, Bottom, Left and Right.

  • Middle and Center is always used for placement. For existing charts:

    • "Top" is "top and center"

    • "Bottom" is "bottom and center"

    • "Left" is "left and middle"

    • "Right" is "right and middle"

Figure -24 Legend Tab in the Original Charting Engine

Legend Tab in the Original Charting Engine

Figure -25 Legend Tab in the Updated Charting Engine

Legend Tab in the Updated Charting Engine

Figure -26 Place Legend = Top

Place Legend = Top

Figure -27 Place Legend = Bottom

Place Legend = Bottom

Figure -28 Place Legend = Left

Place Legend = Left

Figure -29 Place Legend = Right

Place Legend = Right