Selecting Multiple Members

You can select members dynamically based on criteria that you specify.

You define criteria by creating expressions of members, boolean operations, and commands.

Boolean operators enable you to specify precise member combinations for the report, which is useful for dealing with large volumes of data. Use the AND, OR, UNION, and NOT boolean operators, combined with expression commands, to refine your member selections.

To select multiple members based on criteria:

  1. Open a report and select a grid.
  2. Double-click a dimension cell.
  3. In the Select Members dialog box, in the Members tab, select at least two members, and then click Advanced Options button.

    You must select at least two members before you can create criteria.

  4. In the Selected area of the dialog box, build expressions by using one or more of the following operators and symbols:
    • Select Not to add the Boolean operator NOT to the expression. NOT is the inverse of the selected condition.

    • Enter a left parenthesis, (, to add an opening character to the expression.

    • Enter a right parenthesis, ), to add a closing character to the expression.

    • In the Operator column, select And, Or, or Union.


If you are using three members, use two pairs of parentheses. For example, if you select descendants of Market and you want to exclude East, West, and South, your advanced member selection query should be as follows:

Descendants of Market AND NOT (East AND NOT (West AND NOT SOUTH))