Setting Report Preferences

Reports preferences include how to display units of measure on the grid and guide line characteristics.

To set general report preferences:

  1. Select File, and then Preferences.
  2. In the General tab, edit the following preferences:
    • Units—Select inches or centimeters to define how the units of measure are displayed on the grid as you design a report
    • Guide Lines—Define the following guide line characteristics:
      • Color—Guide line color
      • StyleLine or Dot
      • Guide Line Every—How often a guide line is displayed in relation to the units of measure. The default value is to display a guide line every 0.125 inches.
      • Snap to Guide Line—Whether reports objects automatically snap to a guide line when they are inserted
  3. Click OK.


Preference settings only apply during the initial report design. Once the report is saved, the settings used in the report do not dynamically update if you change preferences or if a user with different preference settings opens the report in Financial Reporting or Financial Reporting Web Studio.