Setting Up Same As References

Using a Same As reference, you can select a member from another row or column. The following characteristics apply to a Same As reference:

  • In a report, members referred to by Same As are always from the same dimension, type of database connection, and grid.

  • Members referred to by Same As are only available for member selection in rows and columns in a grid. Same As cannot be used as member selection in:

    • Page Axis

    • Grid POV

    • User POV

    • Book POV

    • Batches POV

    • Default member selection for a prompt

    • Response to a prompt

    • Member function member parameter, such as range

    • Member selection in the book editor

  • Same As can reference a row or column that gets its member selection from a prompt or Current POV.

  • Same As cannot reference another Same As reference.

  • Same As is not supported within row and column templates.

  • Same As must be used alone and cannot be combined with any other member selections.

To set up a Same As reference:

  1. Open a report and select a grid.
  2. Double-click a dimension cell.
  3. In the Select Members dialog box, on the Members tab, expand Same As Member Selection in, then select Same As Column Name or Row Name , and then click Add to Selected button to add the column or row to the area selected in the grid.
  4. Click OK.