Sorting Members

You can sort members within member selection. By default, the members are displayed in the sort order of the database connection.

You can sort selectable members in a preferred order, and you can sort the members that are selected to match the row or column order of data in your report. The order in which selected items are displayed in member selection is the order in which they are evaluated and displayed in the report.

You sort the members by property and display them in ascending or descending order. By default, the system sorts the list numerically, then alphabetically.

You can enable the system to sort the list whenever the view changes, or you can sort the list manually.

To enable the system to sort the list whenever the view changes:

To sort members manually:

  1. Open a report and select a grid.

  2. Double-click a dimension cell.

  3. In the Select Members dialog box, select the Lists tab.

  4. In the Lists tab, click View, and then select Sort.

  5. In Sort (dimension) Items, select the property for the primary sort, then click Right Arrow icon.

  6. Click OK twice.