
This 20-minute tutorial shows you how to create a Groovy script to work with Planning metadata, in this case, adding a member to a dimension. The script includes RTPs to prompt users for input. You'll also learn how to create a right-click action menu with a menu item to call the script, and how to associate the action menu with a data form.


The EPM object model in Groovy gives you tools to design interactive ways for users to work with metadata, such as adding new members, renaming existing members, moving members under new parents, updating other metadata properties, and so on. Including run time prompts, or RTPs, in your Groovy scripts lets you prompt users for relevant values during these operations.


Cloud EPM Hands-on Tutorials may require you to import a snapshot into your Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance. Before you can import a tutorial snapshot, you must request another Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance or remove your current application and business process. The tutorial snapshot will not import over your existing application or business process, nor will it automatically replace or restore the application or business process you are currently working with.

Before starting this tutorial, you must:

  • Have Service Administrator access to a Cloud EPM Enterprise Service instance.
  • Upload and import this snapshot into your Planning instance. If you've previously uploaded the snapshot for another Groovy tutorial, you can continue using the same snapshot.


If you run into migration errors importing the snapshot, re-run the migration excluding the HSS-Shared Services component, as well as the Security and User Preferences artifacts in the Core component. For more information on uploading and importing snapshots, refer to the Administering Migration for Oracle Enterprise Performance Management Cloud documentation.


The scripts you need for this tutorial are linked as text files within each section.

Loading Planning calculation variables

In this section, you upload calculation variables from an XML file for use in the Groovy script.

  1. Right-click the link for HP4_Plan2_Variables.xml, and save the file to your local drive.
  2. From the Home page, navigate to Rules (under Create and Manage) to open Calculation Manager. In the System View, expand EPM Cloud > HP4. Right-click Plan2 and select Import.
  3. Under File Import Details, browse to select HP4_Plan2_Variables.xml from your local drive.
  4. Under Location Details, make the following selections:
    • Application Type: EPM Cloud
    • Application: HP4
    • Cube: Plan2
  5. Under Import Options, select Override Existing Objects.
  6. Import Variables
  7. Click Import. Review the import results (they may say Inserted or Updated), and then click OK.
  8. Import Results
  9. Click Cancel to close the Import dialog box.

Creating a Groovy Script to Add Dimension Members in Planning

In this section, you implement a Groovy script to add an employee to the Employee dimension. We'll work with the predefined ManageEmployees form, which has been set up to capture employee information such as their Grade, Salary, Bonus, Phone, Email, Address, and Reporting Manager.

Manage Employees
  1. In Calculation Manager, create a rule named Groovy Add Employee in the Plan2 cube.
  2. New Rule
  3. In the Rule Editor, change the Designer option to Edit Script and set the Script Type to Groovy Script.
  4. Rule Editor Options
  5. Copy this script and paste it into the editor:
  6. /*RTPS: {EmployeeName} {EmployeePhone} {EmployeeEmail} {Employee} {Scenario} {Year} {Period} {Entity} {Version}*/
    def mbUs = messageBundle(["validation.invalidemail":"Email address is invalid: {0}", "validation.invalidphone":"Phone number is invalid: {0}",
    "validation.memberexists":"The member you have specified already exists and cannot be created: {0}.", "validation.invalidnamelength":"Employee name must be 5 to 40 characters: {0}"])
    def mbl = messageBundleLoader(["en" : mbUs])
    // Validate the Rtp values
    Dimension employeeDim = operation.application.getDimension("Employee")
    Member parentEmployee = rtps.Employee.member
        throwVetoException(mbl, "validation.memberexists", rtps.EmployeeName)
    validateRtp(rtps.EmployeeName, {(5..40).contains(it.enteredValue.size()) }, mbl, "validation.invalidnamelength", rtps.EmployeeName)
    validateRtp(rtps.EmployeeEmail, /^.+@.+/, mbl, "validation.invalidemail", rtps.EmployeeEmail.enteredValue)
    validateRtp(rtps.EmployeePhone, /^(?:\+?1[- ]?)?\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[- ]?([0-9]{3})[- ]?([0-9]{4})$/, mbl, "validation.invalidphone", rtps.EmployeePhone)
    // Save the new employee as a dynamic child member
    Member employee = parentEmployee.addDynamicChild(rtps.EmployeeName)
    // Generate the calc script to save employee email and phone property values
    FIX(${fixValues(rtps.Scenario, rtps.Year, rtps.Period, rtps.Entity, rtps.Version, employee)}, "USD")
        "Employee Phone" = $rtps.EmployeePhone;
        "Employee Email" = $rtps.EmployeeEmail;
  7. On the toolbar, click Save (Save) to save the script.
  8. Note:

    Saving the script displays the variables in the Variables tab.
  9. We want users to enter values only for EmployeeEmail, EmployeeName, and EmployeePhone. In the Variables tab, select Is Hidden for Employee, Entity, Period, Scenario, Version, and Year.
  10. Hidden Variables


    When users run the script from the form, these hidden variables are assigned values from the form context.
  11. Save the script again.
  12. Click Validate and Deploy (Validate and Deploy). Enter RTP values for validation purposes:
    • Employee: "Full Time Employees"
    • Entity: "No Entity"
    • Period: Jun
    • Scenario: OEP_Plan
    • Version: OEP_Working
    • Year: FY17
    • Rule Editor Options
  13. Check Apply values to the rule to save these values as defaults for validation purposes, then click OK.
  14. During this step, the rule is not executed; however, you must enter valid members for the validation process to succeed.

  15. Click OK when prompted, then close Calculation Manager.

Explaining the Groovy Script Logic

In this section, we'll describe the script logic one section at a time.

  1. Define all the run time prompts used by this rule.
  2. /*RTPS: {EmployeeName} {EmployeePhone} {EmployeeEmail} {Employee} {Scenario} 
    {Year} {Period} {Entity} {Version}*/
  3. Create a resource bundle loader containing localized messages needed by this rule.
  4. def mbUs = messageBundle(["validation.invalidemail":"Email address is invalid: {0}",
    "validation.invalidphone":"Phone number is invalid: {0}",
    "validation.memberexists":"The member you have specified already exists and cannot be created: {0}.", 
    "validation.invalidnamelength":"Employee name must be 5 to 40 characters: {0}"])
    def mbl = messageBundleLoader(["en" : mbUs])
  5. Validate the RTP values.
  6. Dimension employeeDim = operation.application.getDimension("Employee") 1 
    Member parentEmployee = rtps.Employee.member 2
    	throwVetoException(mbl, "validation.memberexists", rtps.EmployeeName) 3
    validateRtp(rtps.EmployeeName, {(5..40).contains(it.enteredValue.size()) },
    	mbl, "validation.invalidnamelength", rtps.EmployeeName) 4
    validateRtp(rtps.EmployeeEmail, /^.+@.+/, mbl, "validation.invalidemail",
    	rtps.EmployeeEmail.enteredValue) 5
    validateRtp(rtps.EmployeePhone, /^(?:\+?1[- ]?)?\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-]?([0-9]{3})[- ]?([0-9]{4})$/, 
    	mbl, "validation.invalidphone", rtps.EmployeePhone) 6 

    1 Get the Employee dimension.

    2 Get the Member object for the employee specified by the Employee run time prompt. This is the member that the user right-clicks on, and will be the parent under which the new employee will be added.

    3 Check if a child with the name provided by the EmployeeName run time prompt already exists under the parent. If yes, throw a veto exception.

    4 Validate and ensure that the name provided by the EmployeeName run time prompt is at least 5 to 40 characters long by validating against the specified predicate. If not, the validateRtp() API will throw a veto exception.

    5 Validate and ensure that the email provided by the EmployeeEmail run time prompt is of a valid format by validating against the specified regular expression pattern. If not, the validateRtp() API will throw a veto exception.

    6 Validate and ensure that the phone number provided by the EmployeePhone run time prompt is of a valid format by validating against the specified regular expression pattern. If not, the validateRtp() API will throw a veto exception.

  7. Save the new employee as a dynamic child under the parent employee.
  8. Member employee = parentEmployee.addDynamicChild(rtps.EmployeeName)
  9. Now that the new employee has been created in the outline, generate the calculation script to save the new employee email and phone number in the database.
    FIX(${fixValues(rtps.Scenario, rtps.Year, rtps.Period, rtps.Entity, rtps.Version, employee)}, "USD")
        "Employee Phone" = $rtps.EmployeePhone;
        "Employee Email" = $rtps.EmployeeEmail;


    The fixValues() API is a utility that returns a string value for the specified objects that can be plugged into a calculation script FIX command. In this example, the objects being passed into this utility are of type RtpValue and Member.

Creating Planning Action Menus to Run Groovy Scripts

In this section, you create an action menu called Manage Employees, with a right-click action menu item that runs the Groovy script.

  1. From the Home page, navigate to Action Menus (located under Create and Manage) and create an action menu named Manage Employees.
  2. Create Manage Employees Action Menu
  3. Edit the Manage Employees action menu and add a child menu item named Add Employee. Enter or select the following options to define the menu item:
  4. Option Field Value to Enter or Select
    Menu Item Add Employee
    Label Add Employee
    Type Business Rule
    Required Parameters Employee
    Cube Plan2
    Business Rule Groovy Add Employee

    Completed Add Employee Menu Item

  5. Click Save, then click OK to save the menu item. Finally, click Save again to save the action menu.
  6. Completed Manage Employees Action Menu

Associating Planning Action Menus with Forms

In this step, you associate t9cfhe action menu with the ManageEmployees form and test your script.

  1. Navigate to Forms (located under Create and Manage) and edit the ManageEmployees form.
  2. Edit Manage Employees Form
  3. On the Other Options tab, add the Manage Employees context menu to the Selected Menus list.
  4. Add the Manage Employees Context Menu
  5. Click Finish to save changes to the form.
  6. Close the form manager and return to the Home page.

Testing the Groovy Script

In this step, you test the script. The testing procedure includes entering invalid values for run time prompts to verify the validation section of the script.


Non-administrators can execute this rule to add employees under a parent that is enabled for dynamic children.
  1. From the Home page, click Data to display the list of data entry forms, then click ManageEmployees to open the Manage Employees form.
  2. List of Data Entry Forms
  3. To test the Groovy script, add an employee. To first test the RTP validation, create an employee with a name that's too short and use an invalid email address:
    • Right-click Part Time Employees to display the context menu, and select Add Employee.
    • For Employee Email, enter
    • For Employee Name, enter John.
    • For Employee Phone, enter 123-456-7890.

    Add Employee Dialog with Invalid Email and Name

  4. Click Launch.
  5. Invalid Employee Name Error Message

    The launch fails with a message that the employee name is not valid. In the Groovy script, this is the first RTP value to be validated.

  6. Change the employee name to JohnW, then click Launch again. This time, the employee name validates but the launch fails with a message that the email address is not valid.
  7. Invalid Employee Email Error Message
  8. Change the employee email to, then click Launch again. Click OK at the successful completion message. The employee JohnW is added to the list of employees, with a valid phone number and email address.
  9. Add Employee Successful