Financial Consolidation and Close

The following table lists and describes Financial Consolidation and Close roles for the following applications and maps them with predefined roles:

Table 2-3 Financial Consolidation and Close Application Roles

Application Role Description Included in this Predefind Role
Access Control - Manage Manages groups, assigns application roles to a group or a user, and generates reports on user security. Service Administrator
Access Control - View Views reports on user security such as Role Assignment Report, User Login Report, and User Group Report, but cannot assign application roles, manage groups, or perform any other update operation in Access Control. Service Administrator
Ad Hoc - Create Creates, views, modifies, and saves ad hoc grids. Power User
Ad Hoc - Read Only User Performs all ad hoc functions, but cannot write back into ad hoc grids or load data using Data Management. See Footnote
Ad Hoc - User Views and modifies ad-hoc grids and performs ad hoc operations. Ad Hoc Users cannot save ad-hoc grids. User
Announcements - Manage Constructs and manages announcements. Users with this role can add, edit, duplicate and delete announcements. Service Administrator
Application - Mass Allocate Runs mass allocation rules within form grids. Service Administrator
Consolidation Journals - Approve Approve a consolidation journal that has been submitted for approval or reject a submitted journal. See Footnote
Consolidation Journals - Auto-Post after Approval Allows a consolidation journal to be automatically posted after the approver has approved it. The user who approved the journal will also be the posting user. See Footnote
Consolidation Journals - Create Create, modify, and delete consolidation journals and consolidation journal templates. See Footnote
Consolidation Journals - Manage Periods Open time periods for consolidation journals or close journal time periods. If there are Approved journals or unposted Auto-reversal journals in the period, you cannot close it. If you select to close a period that contains Working or Submitted journals, a warning message is displayed that non-posted journals were found for the period, but you can close it. See Footnote
Consolidation Journals - Post Post a consolidation journal that has been completed or submitted and approved. You must first open the time period for each scenario to which consolidation journals are to be posted. See Footnote
Consolidation Journals - Submit Submit a consolidation journal for approval or reject a consolidation journal with Completed status. See Footnote
Consolidation Journals - Un-Post Unpost a consolidation journal. You must have Write access to the members in the journal. See Footnote
Data Integration - Create Uses Data Integration to create mappings to integrate data between source and target systems. Users can define data rules with various run time options. Power User
Dashboards - Manage Constructs and manages all dashboards, including operational dashboards. Users with this role can:
  • Add, edit, duplicate and delete dashboards
  • Import and export dashboards
  • Service Administrator
  • Power User
Data Integration - Drill Through Drills through to the source system of the data.
  • Power User
  • User
Data Integration - Run

Users with this role use Data Integration to run an integration between the source and target.

If this is the only role assigned to the user, and if they are not a Power User or Service Administrator, they can also view the integration details, but are not able to make any changes.

Power User
Documents - Manage Constructs and manages documents. Users with this role can:
  • Add, edit, duplicate and delete documents based on the permissions set on them
  • Import and export documents
Service Administrator
Task List - Manage Access Assigns tasks to other users. Power User
Task Manager - Approver Eligible to be an approver on tasks from Task Manager
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Task Manager - Artifacts - Manage Manages all Task Manager artifacts such as alerts, currencies, and organization Service Administrator
Task Manager - Assignee Eligible to be an assignee on tasks from Task Manager
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
  • User
Task Manager - Audit - View Views the audit history information Service Administrator
Task Manager - Custom Reports - Manage Designs custom reports Service Administrator
Task Manager - Operational Dashboards - Manage Configures operational dashboard Service Administrator
Task Manager - Public Filters and Views - Manage Publishes filters and views to make them accessible to all
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
Task Manager - System Services and Settings - Manage Defines the system services and system settings for an application Service Administrator
Task Manager - Tasks - Manage Designs and manages the tasks, templates, and schedules
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
Task Manager - Users and Teams - Manage Manages Users and Teams
  • Power User
  • Service Administrator
Footnote: This role is not mapped to any predefined role and requires assignment to users or groups to activate it