Add Member

Use this REST API to add a new member to the application outline in the specified dimension and plan type and under the specified parent member.


Prerequisite: The parent member must be enabled for dynamic children and a cube refresh must have happened after the parent was enabled.

Required Roles

Service Administrator

REST Resource

POST /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/dimensions/{dimname}/members


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 8-45 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with Path Yes None
application The name of the application to which to add a member Path Yes None
dimname Name of the dimension to which to add a member Path Yes None

Example URL and Payload


{"memberName":"North America","parentName":"Enterprise Global"}


Payload Parameters:

The following table summarizes the payload parameters.

Table 8-46 Parameters

Name Description
name Name of the member, such as North America
children Whether the member has children
description Description of the member
parentName Name of the parent, such as Enterprise Global
dataType Data type, if available
objectType Type of object
dataStorage Storage attribute for the member, such as STOREDATA
dimName Dimension name
twoPass Boolean value to indicate whether the member has the Two-Pass Calculation associated attribute
instance Information about the instance
type Type of member
detail Detailed information in case of error
status Request status, such as 400
errorPath Path of the error, if available
title Error title, if available
errorCode Error code, if available
errorDetails Error details, if available
message Message text
localizedMessage Localized message, if available

Example of Response Body

Sample response body where the member is added successfully

    "name": "North America",
    "children": null,
    "description": null,
    "parentName": "Enterprise Global",
    "dataType": "UNSPECIFIED",
    "objectType": 33,
    "dataStorage": "STOREDATA",
    "dimName": "Entity",
    "twoPass": false,
    "links": [{
        "rel": "self",
        "href": "https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/v3/applications/Vision/dimensions/Entity/members/North%20America",
        "action": "GET"

Sample response when an error occurs when adding the member:

    "detail": "Error occurred adding member. Unable to find parent <Enterprise GlobalX> defined for a dynamic member.",
    "status": 400,
    "message": "com.hyperion.planning.HspRuntimeException: Error occurred adding member. Unable to find parent <Enterprise GlobalX> defined for a dynamic member.",
    "localizedMessage": "com.hyperion.planning.HspRuntimeException: Error occurred adding member. Unable to find parent <Enterprise GlobalX> defined for a dynamic member."