Retrieve Job Status (Transaction Matching)

Returns the status of a job for Transaction Matching, indicating if the job is in process, or if it is successfully executed or completed with errors.

REST Resource

GET /arm/rest/{api_version}/jobs/{job_id}

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User, or Jobs - View


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 17-39 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with: v1 Path Yes None
jobIdentifier The ID of the job Path Yes None



The following table summarizes the response parameters.

Table 17-40 Parameters

Name Description
details In case of errors, details are published with the error string
status See Migration Status Codes
links Detailed information about the link
href Links to API call or status API
action The HTTP call type
rel Relationship type
data Parameters as key value pairs passed in the request
log-content Link to the log file location. This is applicable to Archive Matched Transactions, Purge Archived Transactions, Purge Transactions (Transaction Matching), Import Pre-Mapped Transactions (Transaction Matching), and Unmatch Matched Transaction (Transaction Matching) jobs.
file-content Link to the location of the archive file, for Archive Matched Transactions jobs.

Supported Media Types: application/json

Example of Response Body

Example 1: Retrieve job status for an Auto Match job

    "type": "TM",
    "items": [
    "error": null,
    "link": null,
    "status": 0,
    "details": "Job Completed. Job ID: 100000003918002",
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>,
            "action": "GET",
            "data": null

Example 2: Retrieve job status for Archive Matched Transactions (Transaction Matching) job

    "type": "TM",
    "items": [
    "error": null,
    "link": null,
    "status": 0,
    "details": "Job Completed. Job ID: 100000003846005 Log file: Archive_Transactions_Pos2Processor.log\nRe Archive for the Archive Job ID :: 100000003810002\r\nArchive Transactions for Match Type :: Pos2Processor\nArchive Transactions on or before :: 2022-02-18 23:59:59 UTC\nArchive Transactions age :: 330\nAccount ID : Equals  'XX-XX-YYYY'\nAccounts considered for Archive : XX-XX-YYYY\n\n Total Number of Matches present in this archive :: 1479730\nTotal Number of Transactions Present in this Archive for DataSource - Delivery Partner :: 1490233\nTotal Number of Transactions Present in this Archive for DataSource - POS :: 1515718\nTotal Number of Adjustments Present in this Archive :: 104709\n\nTotal Number of Transactions Present in this Archive :: 3110660\nTime taken 22 Minute(s) and 02 Second(s) to Archive Transactions.\r\n",
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
            "action": "GET",
            "data": null
            "rel": "log-content",
            "href": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
            "action": "GET",
            "data": null
            "rel": "file-content",
            "href": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
            "action": "GET",
            "data": null

Example 3: Retrieve job status for Purge Archived Transactions (Transaction Matching) job

    "type": "TM",
    "items": [
    "error": null,
    "link": null,
    "status": 0,
    "details": "Job Completed. Job ID: 100000003801002 Log file: PurgeTransactions_100000003801002.log\nMatch Type: Pos2Processor, Purge for Archive Job ID: 100000003798009\n\n\nTotal adjustments purged: 0\nTotal transactions purged from all sources: 0\nTotal matches purged: 0\n\nStatus: No transactions found for the Archive Transactions job ID. Purge Transactions might be already run for this Archive job ID.\n\nTotal time taken: 00 Minute(s) and 00 Second(s)\n",
    "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
            "action": "GET",
            "data": null
            "rel": "log-content",
            "href": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
            "action": "GET",
            "data": null