Import Pre-Mapped Transactions (Transaction Matching)
Imports a file of pre-mapped transactions into Transaction Matching, and returns the success or failure status.
REST Resource
POST /arm/rest/{api_version}/jobs
Required Roles
Service Administrator, Power User, or Profiles and Reconciliations - Manage
Supported Media Types: application/json
The following table summarizes the client request parameters specific to this job.
Name | Description | Required |
api_version |
Version of the API you are working with, such as v1 | Yes |
jobName |
The name of a job, importtmpremappedtransactions |
Yes |
dataSource |
Text ID of the data source where the transaction will be imported to | |
file |
The file name, such as transactions.csv |
reconciliationType |
Text ID of the reconciliation type where the transaction file will be imported to | Yes |
dateFormat |
Date Format is a parameter that includes the format of the date fields in the transactions
import file. The default is dd-MMM-yy . Other supported date formats
are MM/dd/yyyy, dd/MM/yyyy, MM-dd-yyyy, d-M-yyyy , and MMM
d,yyyy .
Yes |
Example of request body
"jobName" : "importtmpremappedtransactions",
"parameters": {
"dateFormat": "MM-dd-yyyy"
Supported Media Types: application/json
Table 17-26 Parameters
Name | Description |
details |
In case of errors, details are published with the error string |
status |
See Migration Status Codes |
links |
Detailed information about the link |
href |
Links to API call or status API |
action |
The HTTP call type |
rel |
Relationship type |
data |
Parameters as key value pairs passed in the request |
Example of Response Body
The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.
"type": "TM",
"status": -1,
"details": "In Process",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
"action": "GET"