Business Intelligence REST API Client

The Business Intelligence REST API client provides the following methods:

  • Client creation using

    (BicsClientRestClient.groovy)bicsClient=new BicsRestClient(bics Rest Url, proxy Host, proxy Port,cloud  identityDomain, cloud username, cloud password, ignoreSSLCertificationPathErrors)
    • Business Intelligence REST URL in the format: https://servername

      Example: https://<SERVER>

    • proxy host:

      • Leave empty if not using a proxy

      • If using a tool like Fiddler for HTTP captures, specify localhost.

      • If you need to go through a proxy to connect to Oracle cloud services, specify the proxy host.

    • proxy port:

      • Leave empty if not using a proxy

      • If using Fiddler, use 8888.

      • Otherwise, enter your proxy port.

    • Cloud identity domain: this is provided with your cloud login. You can also find this in the BI URL.

    • ignoreSSLCertificationPathErrors (true or false): Set this to true if connecting through a proxy like Fiddler.

  • About bics


  • List all tables


  • Get table info

    bicsClient.getTableInfo(table name)

  • Delete table

    bicsClient.deleteTable(table name)

  • Create a table with X columns and a specific column name prefix

    bicsClient.createTableToLoadCSV(table name, number of columns , column prefix)


    bicsClient.createTableToLoadCSV("ceal_4", 3 ,"MYCOL")

    This creates a table called CEAL_4 with three columns named: MYCOL1, MYCOL2, MYCOL3

    By default the columns have the following properties:

    "dataType":"VARCHAR" // creates a VARCHAR2 column in database

    These values can be modified in BicsRestClient.groovy in the createTableToLoadCSV method

  • Delete data from table

    bicsClient.deleteDataFromTable(table name)

  • Load data in table

    loadDataInTableUsingCSV(tableName, localCsvFilePath, localCsvFileName, delimiterInCsv,numberOfColumnsInCsv,numberOfLinesToSkip,columnPrefixInTable,isZipped)


  • Create a table with a specific column name

    bicsClient.createTableToLoadCSVWithHeaderNames("ceal_8", listHeaders )

  • Load data in table using mappings to specific column names

    loadDataInTableUsingCSVAndHeader(tableName, localCsvFilePath, localCsvFileName, delimiterInCsv,numberOfLinesToSkip,listHeaders,isZipped)

