View a Connection

Use this REST API to view details for a connection that is saved in an application.

Required Roles

Service Administrator

REST Resource

GET /HyperionPlanning/rest/epm/{api_version}/applications/{application}/connections/{connectionRef}


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request.

Table 8-110 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with Path Yes None
application The name of the application for which to view the connection Path Yes None
connectionRef The connection to view. The value can be either a connection name or ID. Path Yes None


Supported Media Types: application/json

Payload Parameters:

The following table summarizes the parameters.

Table 8-111 Parameters

Parameters Description
items Collection of information about the resource
id Unique identifier for the connection, such as 1c89922d-92ba-46c1-850f-e2a8a416ddf2
name Name of the connection, such as Connection29
description Description of the connection, such as Planning
url The URL of the connection, such as https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>
username The username for the connection, such as admin
domain The domain name for the connection
modified The time stamp of the last modification to the connection details, such as 2021-01-18 12:23:49.0
modifiedBy The last service administrator to modify the connection details, such as admin

Example Response

The identity domain information as shown as part of the response.

    "id": "f83b3da2-9505-415e-b7f7-3cf113cc94e4",
    "name": "Connection1",
    "description": "Test Connection",
    "url": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
    "username": "admin", 
    "domain": "<DOMAIN_NAME>",
    "modified": "2021-02-02 09:16:02.0",
    "modifiedBy": "admin",
    "links": [
            "href": "https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX>",
            "action": "GET",
            "rel": "self",
            "data": null