Clear Data
This REST API is used to execute a Clear Data job using the profile name. Before executing this job, you should create a Clear Data profile in Financial Consolidation and Close.
For details on this task, see Using Clear Data Profiles.
This REST API returns the job id after starting the job.
REST Resource
POST /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/jobs
Required Roles
Service Administrator
Supported Media Types: application/json
The following table summarizes the client request parameters specific to this job.
Table 18-17 Clear Data
Name | Description | Type | Required | Default |
api_version |
Version of the API you are working with: v3 | Path | Yes | None |
application |
The name of the application Get the application name by using the Get Applications API, for example, FCCS or TRCS. See Get Applications. |
Path | Yes | None |
jobName |
Name of the job should be: EXECUTE PROFILE |
jobType |
Type of Job. Supported value: Clear_Data |
String | Yes | None |
ProfileName |
The name of the profile to use to clear data | String | Yes | None |
Example of request body
"jobType": "Clear_Data",
"jobName": "Execute Profile",
"parameters": {
"ProfileName": "<ClearData_01>",
Table 18-18 Parameters
Name | Description |
type |
Financial Consolidation and Close Application type, for example, FCCS |
status |
Status of the job: -1 =In progress; 0 = Success; 1 = Fail |
details |
In case of errors, details are published with the error string. |
descriptiveStatus |
The status of the job, such as Completed or Error |
items |
Collection of Notification categories |
links |
Detailed information about the link |
href |
Links to API call |
action |
The HTTP call type |
rel |
Relationship type. Possible values: self |
Supported Media Types: application/json
Example of Response Body
The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.
"jobId": 8,
"descriptiveStatus": "Processing",
"details": null,
"jobName": "Clear Data",
"status": -1,
"links": [
"jobId": 8,
"descriptiveStatus": "Processing",
"details": null,
"jobName": "Clear Data",
"status": -1,
"links": [
"href":"https://<SERVICE_NAME>-<TENANT_NAME>.<SERVICE_TYPE>.<dcX> Testapp /jobs/8",
"rel":"job-details","action":"GET"} }