Deploy Form Templates

Enables you to deploy form templates that have been created in Financial Consolidation and Close.

For details on Using Deploying a Form Template to a Data Collection Period.

This REST API returns the job id after starting the job.

REST Resource

POST /HyperionPlanning/rest/{api_version}/applications/{application}/fcmjobs

Required Roles

Service Administrator, Power User


Supported Media Types: application/json


The following table summarizes the client request parameters specific to this job.

Table 20-5 Deploy Form Template

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are working with: v3 Path Yes None

The name of the application

Get the application name by using the Get Applications API, for example, FCCS. See Get Applications.

Path Yes None
jobName Name of the job that has been defined in Financial Consolidation and Close or no value for the job String No None

Type of Job. Supported value:

String Yes None
CollectionIntervalName The name of the collection interval to which the template should be deployed String Yes None
Parameter for frequency dimension 1

Dimension and member name of interval frequency dimension, to which the template should be deployed.

This optional key value parameter depends on the number of frequency dimensions in the interval. The key should be dimension name and the value should be member name.

String No None
Parameter for frequency dimension 2

Dimension and member name of interval frequency dimension, to which the template should be deployed.

This optional key value parameter depends on the number of frequency dimensions in the interval. The key should be dimension name and the value should be member name.

String No None
Parameter for frequency dimension 3

Dimension and member name of interval frequency dimension, to which the template should be deployed.

This optional key value parameter depends on the number of frequency dimensions in the interval. The key should be dimension name and the value should be member name.

String No None
Parameter for frequency dimension 4

Dimension and member name of interval frequency dimension, to which the template should be deployed.

This optional key value parameter depends on the number of frequency dimensions in the interval. The key should be dimension name and the value should be member name.

String No None

Names of the form templates to deploy. You can provide multiple parameters with the same key as "TEMPLATE" and this will be converted to a JSON array and passed as a single parameter in the JSON string.

This is an optional parameter. However, if nothing is specified for the TEMPLATE key, this parameter is still present as an empty JSON Array in the JSON string, and all templates for the given interval will be deployed.

Even if you give only one template name, this should still be passed as a JSON array.

JSON Array No None

Either true or false. Optional parameter indicating whether all forms should be reset back to the first stage after redeploying.

This parameter is also derived by the system based on changes to the template and collection, so the system-derived value can override the user specified value.

Boolean No false

Examples of request body

Example 1:

					"CollectionIntervalName" : "Journal Collection Interval",
					"Year" : "2020",
					"Period" : "July",
					"Product" : "Oracle EPM",
					"Consolidation" : "Entity Input",
					"Template" : [ "Template,1","Template 2" ],
 					"ResetWorkflows" : "true"

Example 2:

					"CollectionIntervalName" : "Loan Collection Interval",
					"Year" : "2020",
					"Period" : "July",
					"Category" : "Oracle EPM",
					"Movement" : "Actual",
					"Template" : ["Template 3"]

Example 3:

					"CollectionIntervalName" : "Default",
					"Year" : "2020",
					"Period" : "July",
					"Scenario" : "Actual",
					"Template" : ["Template 5","Template 6"],
 					"ResetWorkflows" : "false",

Example 4:

					"CollectionIntervalName" : "Custom Interval",
					"Year" : "2020",
					"Period" : "July",
					"Template" : ["Template 5","Template 6","Template 7","Template 8"]


Table 20-6 Parameters

Name Description
jobId Financial Consolidation and Close job ID
details Any additional details
Status -1 = In progress; 0 = Success; 1 = Fail
items Not applicable for this job type
links Detailed information about the link
href Links to API call
action The HTTP call type
rel Possible values: self

Supported Media Types: application/json

JSON Output

The following is an example of the response body in JSON format.

   "detail":"In Progress",