Retrieve Enterprise Journal Content for Financial Consolidation and Close

Returns journal content for the instance identifier provided as Path parameter. Each item in the items list represents a line item of the journal.

This API works only for Financial Consolidation and Close.

REST Resource

GET       /HyperionPlanning/rest/ej/{api_version}/ejjournals/{instanceId}

Required Roles

Service Administrator

Example of Request URL

GET       /HyperionPlanning/rest/ej/v1/ejjournals/100000000008821

Supported Media Types: application/json

Table 21-11 Parameters

Name Description Type Required Default
api_version Version of the API you are developing with Path Yes None
instanceId Identifier for the journal for which you want to retrieve journal content Path Yes None

Example of Response Body

The following shows an example of the response body.

  "year": 2018
  "period": "Jan",
  "journalId": "100000001",
  "instanceId": "100000000008821",
  "items": [
      "Status Code": "NEW",
      "Ledger ID": "LNR 12000",
      "Journal Source": "EPM_EJ",
      "Journal Category": "Adjustment",
      "Currency Code": "EUR",
      "Segment 1": "100091",
      "Entered Debit Amount": "19800.00",
      "Entered Credit Amount": "0.00"
      "Status Code": "NEW",
      "Ledger ID": "LNR 12000",
      "Journal Source": "EPM_EJ",
      "Journal Category": "Adjustment",
      "Currency Code": "EUR",
      "Segment 1": "100092",
      "Entered Debit Amount": "0.00",
      "Entered Credit Amount": "19800.00"
      "Status Code": "NEW",
      "Ledger ID": "LNR 12000",
      "Journal Source": "EPM_EJ",
      "Journal Category": "Adjustment",
      "Currency Code": "EUR",
      "Segment 1": "100093",
      "Entered Debit Amount": "34900.00",
      "Entered Credit Amount": "0.00"
      "Status Code": "NEW",
      "Ledger ID": "LNR 12000",
      "Journal Source": "EPM_EJ",
      "Journal Category": "Adjustment",
      "Currency Code": "EUR",
      "Segment 1": "1000943",
      "Entered Debit Amount": "0.00",
      "Entered Credit Amount": "34900.00"
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/ej/v1/ejjournals/100000000008821",
      "action": "GET"
      "rel": "update_posting_status",
      "href": "https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/ej/v1/ejjournals/100000000008821
      "action": "POST"
	"rel": "update_validation_status",
	"href": "https://<BASE-URL>/HyperionPlanning/rest/ej/v1/ejjournals/100000000008821/validationstatus",
	"action": "POST"

"error": null,
"type": "EPM"