Performing Uplift What-If Planning

Use what-if scenario planning to evaluate different promotion strategies.

After planning your promotions, you can model different what if scenarios for each promotion’s uplifts to identify their most conservative, best case or worst case; enhancing your decision making.

To perform what-if planning:

  1. From the Home page, click Key Account Planning Key Account Planning icon and then click Trade Promotions Trade Promotions icon.
  2. Click the Uplift Whatifs tab.
  3. In the Increase / (Decrease) % area, enter a value for Conservative, Best Case, and Worst Case scenarios, and then click Save.

    For example, if your conservative estimate is a 2% uplift increase over the Forecast, enter .02.

  4. Evaluate the conservative, best case, and worst case expected uplift from planned promotions by promotion and by product in the chart and form.