Updating Artifacts for all Planning Modules

September 2023

Beginning with 23.09, you can now manage alias tables for Planning Modules. See Managing Alias Tables for details on this enhancement.

If you are importing a snapshot to 23.09 (or later) from a release earlier than 23.08, alias tables are created but they might be empty. To resolve this issue, use the Manage Seeded Alias Tables option to add aliases for the languages you want.

As part of this enhancement, aliases for some members for certain languages have been added. If a module is updated in the future, these aliases will be loaded. If you have any custom members with the same alias, this can cause a cube refresh error. Review the list of new aliases and make any changes as needed to your custom members.

New Aliases in 23.09

Table B-1 Financials, Workforce, Capital, and Projects with the Essbase Version that Does not Support Hybrid Cubes

Dimension Members
  • OFS_Other Cash (3 shared members)
  • OPF_% Complete
  • OPF_Accrued Revenue
  • OPF_Capitalizable (3 shared members)
  • OPF_Cost Plus Revenue Assumptions
  • OPF_Custom Direct Input Assumptions
  • OPF_Equipment Description
  • OPF_Financial Performance Measures
  • OPF_KPIs
  • OPF_Obligation Details
  • OPF_Performance Metrics
  • OPF_Project Detail Information
  • OPF_Project Read Only Properties
  • OPF_Required Equipment Assumptions
  • OPF_Revenue Recognition %
  • OPF_Total Expenses - Store
  • OPF_When Period
  • OPF_When Year
  • OWP_Cut-off Date
  • OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_FTE Variance
  • OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_IsEmpty
  • OWP_Rec. Merit % (2 shared members)
  • OWP_Start Date (2 shared members)
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for Forms
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for VC
Jobs OWP_All Jobs
Period Project Financial Mapping
Version OEP_Target
Resource Class OPF_Load
Age Band
  • No Age Band
  • OWP_Total Age Band
  • No Gender
  • OWP_Total Gender
Highest Education Degree
  • No Highest Education Degree
  • OWP_Total Highest Education Degree
Skill Set
  • No Skill Set
  • OWP_Total Skill Set
Union Code
  • No Union Code
  • OWP_All Union Code
  • OWP_Total Union Code

Table B-2 Financials, Workforce, Capital, and Projects with the Essbase Version that Supports Hybrid Cubes

Dimension Members
  • OCX_Impairment Value Assumptions
  • OFS_Other Cash (3 shared members)
  • OPF_% Complete
  • OPF_Accrued Revenue
  • OPF_Capital Integration Properties
  • OPF_Capitalizable (3 shared members)
  • OPF_Cost Plus Revenue Assumptions
  • OPF_Custom Direct Input Assumptions
  • OPF_Equipment Description
  • OPF_Financial Performance Measures
  • OPF_Indirect Integration Properties
  • OPF_Integration Properties
  • OPF_Integration Status Description (2 shared members )
  • OPF_KPIs
  • OPF_Obligation Details
  • OPF_Performance Metrics
  • OPF_Project Detail Information
  • OPF_Project Integration Status (2 shared members )
  • OPF_Project Read Only Properties
  • OPF_Project Template - Capital (3 shared members )
  • OPF_Project Template - Indirect (3 shared members )
  • OPF_Recognized Revenue
  • OPF_Reporting Properties
  • OPF_Revenue Recognition %
  • OPF_Standard Integration Properties
  • OPF_Total Expenses - Store
  • OPF_When Period
  • OPF_When Year
  • OWP_Cut-off Date
  • OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_FTE Variance
  • OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_IsEmpty
  • OWP_Rec. Merit % (2 shared members)
  • OWP_Start Date ( 2 shared members )
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for Forms
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for VC
  • OPF_Project Description
  • OWP_Merit Increase
  • OWP_No Grade
Employee OWP_New Employees
Entity OEP_Home Entity
Period Project Financial Mapping
Version OEP_Target
Resource Class
  • OPF_Adjustment (+/-)
  • OPF_Load
Age Band
  • No Age Band
  • OWP_Total Age Band
  • No Gender
  • OWP_Total Gender
Highest Education Degree
  • No Highest Education Degree
  • OWP_Total Highest Education Degree
Skill Set
  • No Skill Set
  • OWP_Total Skill Set
Union Code
  • No Union Code
  • OWP_All Union Code
  • OWP_Total Union Code

Table B-3 Strategic Workforce Planning with the Essbase Version that Does not Support Hybrid Cubes

Dimension Members
  • OWP_Average Compensation Rates
  • OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_IsEmpty
  • OWP_Rec. Merit % (3 Shared members)
  • OWP_Start Date (3 shared members)
  • OWP_Strategic Headcount Planning Accounts for Forms
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for Forms
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for VC
Age Band No Age Band
  • OWP_Attrition Drivers
  • OWP_Merit Increase
  • OWP_No Grade
Employee OWP_New Employees
Entity OEP_Home Entity
  • BegBalance
  • No Period
  • OEP_Yearly Plan
Version OEP_Target

Table B-4 Strategic Workforce Planning with the Essbase Version that Supports Hybrid Cubes

Dimension Members
  • OWP_Average Compensation Rates
  • OWP_Cut-off Date
  • OWP_CYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_CYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_FTE Variance
  • OWP_FYTD Gross Earnings
  • OWP_FYTD Taxable Compensation
  • OWP_IsEmpty
  • OWP_Rec. Merit % (3 Shared members)
  • OWP_Start Date (3 shared members)
  • OWP_Strategic Headcount Planning Accounts for Forms
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for Forms
  • OWP_Workforce Planning Accounts for VC
Age Band No Age Band
  • OWP_Attrition Drivers
  • OWP_Merit Increase
  • OWP_No Grade
Employee OWP_New Employees
Entity OEP_Home Entity
  • BegBalance
  • No Period
  • OEP_Yearly Plan
Version OEP_Target

Table B-5 Sales Planning Quota Planning Module with the Essbase Version that Does not Support Hybrid Cubes

Dimension Members
Measure OQP_Unit of Measures
  • No Period
  • OEP_Qrtly Plan
  • OEP_Weekly Plan
Product No Product
Scenario OEP_Rolling Forecast
Territory OEP_Unspecified Territory
Version OEP_Working Bottom Up
Years No Year
Plan Element
  • OGS_Total Plan
  • OGS_Total Line Items
  • OGS_Base Forecast
  • OGS_Adjustment (+/-)
  • Line 2
  • Line 3
  • Line 4
  • Periodic
  • YTD

Table B-6 Sales Planning Quota Planning Module with the Essbase Version that Supports Hybrid Cubes

Dimension Members
Measure OQP_Unit of Measures
  • No Period
  • OEP_W1 to OEP_W52
  • OEP_Weekly Plan
Product No Product
Scenario OEP_Scenarios
Territory OEP_Unspecified Territory
Years No Year