Key Account Planning Rules

Review the rules used to calculate values in Key Account Planning.

From the Home page, click Rules Rules icon.


To see only Key Account Planning rules, click All Cubes next to the Filter, and from the Cube list select OEP_KAP.

In preparation for planning, run the Seed Baseline Plan rule after loading actuals.

Table 6-2 Key Account Planning Rules

Rule Description How to Run
Seed Baseline Plan Seeds the baseline plan after loading actuals data. Takes last year's actuals data and pushes it to the forecast baseline plan for the next year. Run this rule at the start of a new planning process as a method to pre-populate the base plan after you load historical data. From the Home page, click Rules, and then launch Seed Baseline Plan.
Prepare Forecast

After initially loading actuals, when you subsequently load updated actuals for recent periods (for example, every month to get the latest data), run this rule to seed the new period actuals into forecast and keep the remaining periods as forecast. It also copies the data to reporting cube.

From the Home page, click Rules, and then launch Prepare Forecast.

In a volume and revenue model, calculates the revenue from volume and price.

Calculate takes volume x avg selling price to calculate revenue.

Runs when you click Save on these forms:
  • What If - Uplift Revenue
  • What If - Uplift Volume
  • Set Up Building Blocks
Contract Rates

Spreads the specified contract rates for customer and product through the hierarchy.

Runs when you click Save on this form: Enter Contract Rates.
Cost of Sales Spreads the specified cost of sales for product through the hierarchy across any customer. Runs when you click Save on this form: Enter Cost of Sales.
Calculate Cost Measures

Calculates the cost measures based on the input drivers for contract rates and Cost of Sales.

From the Home page, click Rules, and then launch Calculate Cost Measures.
Form Push To Reporting

Pushes calculated data from the input cube to the reporting cube for instant aggregations.

Runs when you click Save on these forms:
  • Set Up Building Blocks – Revenue
  • Total BaseLine – Revenue
  • Total BaseLine - Volume
Add Promotion

Adds a promotion based on the values you enter.

  1. From the Home page, click Key Account Planning and then click Trade Promotions.
  2. Right-click in Set Up Promotions and then click Add Promotion.
Promotion to Product Associates a product with a promotion, and assigns the promotion volumes and trade spends to selected products as uplifts and trade spends. Runs when you click Save on this form: Promotion to Product.
  1. From the Home page, click Key Account Planning and then click Trade Promotions.
  2. Right-click a promotion and then click Assign Product.
Multi Product Assumptions Update Updates all products that are included in a promotion for any change in assumption. Runs when you click Save on this form: Set Up Trade Promotions.
Remove Assignment Removes a product's assignment from a promotion.
  1. From the Home page, click Key Account Planning and then click Trade Promotions.
  2. In the Promotion to Product area, right-click a product and then click Remove Assignment.
Remove Promotion Removes a promotion and recalculates.
  1. From the Home page, click Key Account Planning and then click Trade Promotions.
  2. Right-click a promotion and then click Remove Promotion .
Calculate Promotion Days by Product Calculates the number of promotion days per product for all the applied promotions. Runs when you click Save on this form: Set Up Trade Promotions.
Promoted Period (and Calculate Promoted Period) Calculates the promoted period and non promoted period volume and revenue across the promotion and products. From the Home page, click Rules, and then launch Promoted Period. Or:
  1. From the Home page, click Key Account Planning and then click Trade Promotions.
  2. Right-click a promotion, and then click Calculate Promoted Period.
Promotion Adjustment

After promotions are calculated and assigned to products, if adjustments are made, this rule posts the adjustments in the appropriate promotion periods.

Runs when you click Save on this form: Promotion to Product.
  1. From the Home page, click Key Account Planning and then click Trade Promotions.
  2. In the Promotion to Product area, enter an absolute value in the Adjustment column and then click Save.
Copy to WhatIf

Calculates and pushes the uplifts for different what-if scenarios.

Runs when you click Save on this form: Enter What If Percentage.
What If Push Pushes any manual adjustments to what-ifs to the reporting cube for only those products that have changed. Runs when you click Save on this form: What If - Uplift Volume.

ROI and ROI on Uplift are calculated as member formulas.