Importing Quota Planning Data

Use the provided templates to import data for Quota Planning.

Quota Planning templates are available based on the options selected when you enable features, and include any custom dimensions you added when you enabled features.

  • ImpactedRevenueBookings.csv

    —If you are planning overlay targets by amount, loads current year and previous year impacted bookings.
  • ImpactedUnitsBookings.csv

    —If you are planning overlay targets by units, loads current year and previous year impacted bookings.
  • RevenueBookings.csv

    —If you are planning by amount, loads current year and previous actual bookings.
  • UnitsBookings.csv

    —If you are planning by units, loads current year and previous actual bookings.

After importing data, run the Process Actuals rule. From the Home page, click Rules Rules icon, launch the Process Actuals rule, enter the historical years for which you have data, and then click Launch. Run this rule any time you import data.